Students from the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Protection in Agriculture, together with students from the Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, participated yesterday, 22 May, in the first Open Day at the Iridex Ecological Landfill in Chiajna, an event that focused on the latest technological equipment in operation at European level for environmental protection and for the reintroduction of waste into the circular economy. Investing in the training of tomorrow's specialists and managers is a priority for the IRIDEX group of companies, both in the context of the general effort for integrated waste management and in the perspective of European Union policies on the implementation of circular economy objectives, so as to optimize resources and reduce the harmful impact on the environment and human health.
Following the usual workflow in such an objective, the students received information about the main equipment in operation at the IRIDEX environmental landfill, from the sorting plant, to the composting plant, the biogas plant or the leachate treatment plant. Greening, a hot topic at European level, was another topic discussed, especially as the IRIDEX group owns the most efficient environmental protection equipment currently in operation in Romania and continues to allocate significant budgets to investing in efficient technologies for greening and reducing fugitive emissions. The group of students was interested in how the leachate is treated, how the landfill gas extraction and recovery facilities work, what the performance and operating principles of the biodesulphuriser are and they saw, for the first time, the Canadian cannon, unique in Romania and used quite rarely in Europe. This equipment sprays essential oils into the air to reduce emissions from the waste storage and fermentation process.
Participants also received technical information about IRIDEX partners, suppliers of integrated technical solutions, Klarwin - a company specialising in technical consultancy, systems and services in the field of applied engineering for filtration, separation and purification of fluids and water treatment, and Wessling - a prestigious European consultancy company specialising in analysis and testing for the verification of quality, safety and environmental protection parameters.
Founded more than 25 years ago, IRIDEX Group employs more than 700 people and has a turnover of around €75 million. The group, which is wholly owned by Romanians, carries out integrated waste management, design and operation of municipal landfills for non-hazardous waste, civil and industrial construction, infrastructure works at the highest quality standard. IRIDEX implements pioneering projects in various fields: promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, biogas power generation plants, etc. Through its waste sorting and treatment facilities, the landfills it manages and the technologies it uses on a daily basis, IRIDEX Group serves a population of over 1,000,000 people in Romania.
Out of respect for the community, IRIDEX reaffirms its long-term commitment to environmentally responsible policies and aims to implement the principles of the Circular Economy, using clean facilities manufactured in the European Union, whose activity is continuously monitored and certified. More details can be found at: