Iridex este unul din pionerii industriilor conexe protecției mediului din România, operând în acest domeniu încă de la înființare, în anul 1991. Cu o experiență de un sfert de veac în domeniul protecției mediului, managementului deșeurilor municipale, a construcției și operării de centre de management integrat a deșeurilor, Iridex a realizat si realizează în continuare:

  • construction of new ecological landfills
  • closure and post-closure of landfills
  • construction of mechanical-biological treatment plants
  • construction of plants for the mechanical treatment and sorting of household and similar industrial waste
  • construction of sewage treatment plants.
  • execution of environmental quality protection and monitoring installations,
  • execution of installations for the production of electricity and heat from biogas.
  • operating such facilities in the service of communities, with the support and under the coordination of local public authorities

Iridex was, is and will be a promoter of the introduction in Romania of the latest technologies in the field of environmental protection:

  1. Iridex realized the first wind power plant in Romania.
  2. Iridex was the first company to introduce the use of geosynthetic materials in Romania, the company's specialists having installed more than 40 million m2 in: wind farms, road infrastructure, railway infrastructure, slope stabilization, landfills (hazardous, non-hazardous, industrial, household), etc;
  3. Iridex a construit (în anul 2000) primul depozit conform de deşeuri din România și fost implicat în construcţia a peste 80% din totalul  depozitelor conforme din România;
  4. Iridex realized 401TPTP3T of the composting plants in Romania;
  5. Iridex built and operated the first reverse osmosis leachate treatment plant in Romania
  6. Iridex has built and operated the first landfill biogas collection and recovery plant in Romania, turning biogas into electricity
  7. Iridex operates the largest Integrated Waste Management Center (IWMC) in Romania
  8. Iridex has supplied more than 2.5 million containers for municipal waste collection to local authorities and private sector sanitation companies.

Today, IRIDEX operates 5 landfills, 3 sorting stations, 2 mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) stations and 3 waste composting stations, managing the processing and landfilling of waste for more than 1 000 000 inhabitants of Romania, of which more than 600 000 in Bucharest.

Authorizations and certifications

Iridex builds and operates municipal waste landfills in compliance with Romanian legislation and the strictest standards of European legislation. Through its activity, Iridex contributes to the achievement of the recycling and environmental protection objectives assumed by Romania through the accession treaties to the European Union. Also, by operating compliant landfills, Iridex ensures one of the most pressing needs of the community, that of safe processing and storage of municipal waste, contributing directly to ensuring public health for the communities it serves.

Iridex holds the Integrated Environmental Authorization issued by the Ministry of Environment through the Bucharest Environmental Protection Agency for the operation of CMID Chiajna until 2029.

Iridex has implemented, certified and recertified the Integrated Management System for quality, environment, occupational health and safety, being managed in the ISO system by the certification body SRAC and IQ NET:

  • Certificate ISO 9001: 2008, Nr.1303 / 3/R. from 04.09.2015
  • Certificate ISO 14001:2005 Nr.157/3/R from 04.09.2015
  • Certificate OHSAS 18001 : 2007 Nr. 23/3/R of 04.09.2015

Implementarea, certificarea și recertificarea și imbunatățirea  Sistemului  de  Management  de  Mediu  ISO 14001  demonstrează preocuparea pentru performanţa de mediu și conformarea cu cerinţele BAT privind managementul de mediu.

Iridex holds certifications from the following agencies:

  • National Regulatory Authority for Community Utilities Services
  • Commission for the attestation of legal persons having the capacity to carry out activities in the field of land improvement
  • Ministerul Apărării – Comandamentul Logistic Întrunit
  • National Energy Regulatory Authority
  • Romanian Railway Authority
  • National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities
  • National Agency for Mineral Resources