An overview of IRIDEX Integrated Environment Centres
Iridex Group is the largest company in the environmental industry in Romania. Experience Iridex Group in the construction and management of Integrated Waste Management Centres (IWMCs), landfills, sorting and biological waste treatment plants is a key component of Romania's efforts to align with EU environmental standards. The results of the work Iridex Group were part of the process of negotiating and successfully closing the chapter MEDIUM of the Treaty of Accession of Romania to the European Union.
If we were to focus and materialize the experience IRIDEX GROUP in the field of environmental protection, these would be:
- 40% of the composting plants in Romania are built by Iridex Group;
- The largest Integrated Waste Management Centre in Romania - Bucharest - Chiajna.
- 80% of all compliant warehouses in Romania built with materials produced by Iridex Group;
- 2.5 million waste containers distributed to local authorities across the country
One of the most important projects of Iridex GroupChiajna Integrated Waste Management Centre, with a total area of 26.5 ha, is the largest ecological landfill in Romania and in the area, recognized as an example of best practice in the field. Each of the facilities operated by Iridex Group is staffed with qualified and trained personnel according to regulations.
The experience in the field and the technical solutions proposed have convinced many local authorities to invest IRIDEX with the responsibility of managing integrated waste management facilities at local and regional level as an essential part of Romania's efforts to achieve the environmental targets proposed by the European Union's policy documents in the fields of environmental protection, elimination of waste and pollution, increasing the degree of recovery and recycling of raw materials as well as implementing the principles of the circular economy.
Since its inception, the Integrated Waste Management Centre IRIDEX Chiajna has been continuously upgraded with state-of-the-art municipal waste management and environmental technologies.
Non-hazardous waste landfill SÂNPAUL
The non-hazardous waste landfill at Sanpaul receives waste from the Râciu, Târnăveni and Bălăușeri transfer stations and waste from the Acățari, Râciu, Târnăveni and Bălăușeri sorting stations at the Sânpaul landfill.
CMID Ciocănești
Integrated Waste Management Centre IRIDEX from Ciocănești serves the population of the Călărași district. With a total storage area of 15.5ha, the landfill has a capacity of 3.5 million tonnes, of which cell 1, (C1) 1 million tonnes.